Opal House

Opal House

About Me

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Hi, my name is Maren Talcott. I am 22 years old, and I just graduated Washington State University with a degree in Elementary Education and minor in Spanish. My passion is teaching... I love children! I was born in Minnesota, but spent all of my life growing up in Washington. My dream is to become a kindergarten teacher, and inspire children to love learning! I have done little to no traveling in my lifetime outside of the United States. My goal for this blog is to keep my family, friends, and loved ones up to date on my experiences. I will be living in Guatemala for three months, Jan.-March 2014. I will be volunteering at the Opal House School near Lake Atitlan. The reason for traveling to Guatemala is to have the experience of a lifetime, and improve my Spanish! This journey will push me out of my comfort zone, and open my eyes to a whole new world. I know that I will show my love and compassion to the guatemalan people every single day, and hope that I can impact their lives as much as I know they will impact my own. You can email me at marentalcott@yahoo.com

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Happy Birthday Mom!

Happy Birthday to my amazing mother and friend!! I LOVE YOU! 

The past few days a girl named Erika has been with us here at Opal House. She is 23 years old, from Minnesota, and is currently volunteering in Honduras for a year. She heard about Opal House from Diane when she visited Honduras, and she wanted to experience it for herself! She has been such a kind friend to Jackelyn and I, and we have shared many adventures together over the past few days. "The girls" had an adventure day on Saturday. We went to Panajachel, and took a boat to Santiago (across the lake) for lunch! It was such a lovely day, and I got my first sun burn!! I am starting to find out now, that my favorite thing to do is ride in the back of the pick up "taxi's". I JUST LOVE IT! It is the best way to see the beauty and it is fun! I used to be so uncomfortable and now it's the highlight of my days! Weird how things are already changing. Then, when we were riding in the micro-bus to Pana, there was a young girl by me. She started up a conversation with me in Spanish. Initially I got nervous like always, but then after a good 10 min I realized I was communicating just fine. I found out she was 19, studying to be a nurse, she only has two years left, she only has school on saturdays, and she lives in the same town as me! It was so great to realize I really can communicate in Spanish, and I am already seeing myself improve and gain more confidence!! 

Jackelyn and I on the Lake! 

Once a stranger, now a friend. 

Today, Sunday, Jackelyn and I had some painting to do on the patio of the school. It took us about 3 hours, and my sun tan is improving....or should I say burn. But today Jackelyn and I spent the whole three hours practicing Spanish AND English. We would take turns, spend about 30 min practicing Spanish, 30 min practicing English. It was awesome!! As we took a break I brought up something to her. I said, "Jackelyn, do you remember when I first met you? When you were visiting the U.S. and at the Opal House BBQ this summer?" She definitely remembered. I then proceeded to say, "I was SO nervous to talk to you. I avoided you the whole time. If you were in one room, I moved to another. If we made eye contact, I looked away. I was so nervous to say the wrong thing, or not know what to say AT ALL!" When I am in situations like that, I usually do exactly that...I hide. She said she was nervous too and thought I was very closed off. She proceed to say how nervous she was for me to come here as well because she thought I might not like her, or never talk to her. We then laughed and laughed and laughed BECAUSE NOW...you would never know that happened. We act like we have been friends for years. We communicate ALL DAY LONG. It truly is amazing the progress I have made, and I could not have done it without her. She makes it so easy because she is so kind, and so patient with me and my spanish. It is absolutely incredible to see the progress and the growth of our friendship. She said today, "Maren, its like the Maren I first met is a different person than the Maren I know now." I apologized for my behavior and personality at the BBQ, and I explained that isn't me, or who I want to be. I am so grateful that now she knows the real me, and luckily...she likes it! 

Erika, Jackelyn, and I in Panajachel for a lovely Saturday afternoon!

Genuinely kind, beautiful people from the inside out. 

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