Giving Up is NOT an Option
Valentines Day- Día del Cariño
English Class- Learning Numbers
Computer Class
After a couple rough days, I am feeling much better. I am finding it easy to get into a routine, and the days are flying by. I can't believe I am about half way through my journey! I know in my head that coming home early is NOT an option, I would never let myself do that no matter how hard this gets. I was feeling a little sad/lonely/and very frustrated for a couple days. After over a month of this environment and my frustration with the language...I think I am allowed a day or two to miss home. I think seeing my best friend was amazing, but it also was a reminder of home and it made me miss things about being home. But I am luckily getting over that and ready to embrace more adventures.
Jackelyn and I are about to head to the coast this weekend!! I could not be more excited. We found a nice hotel to stay at, right on the water. We are only going to stay one night, and two days...but it will be a great get away! We decided it is our Valentine's Weekend! I have to keep myself busy so that I don't miss Danny too much! It is going to be a beautiful weekend, and it is supposed to be in the 90's!! Very hot!! Luckily I love the sun. The weather has been nice here, but closer to the 70's. Because we are basically living on a cliff on top of a mountain, it gets rather windy some days! A weekend on the coast, with a good friend, is exactly what I need right now! Especially after a long week with my classes. Although, this week, all of my classes have been going really well!! The children are respecting me and actually loving my classes. I love to see them actually want to be in my class, and be sad when it isn't their day! It is a great feeling.
Jackelyn has been such a life saver, and our friendship just keeps growing. The other night I was so impressed with myself. We had the best conversation, and at the end I realized I did SO much more talking than usual. I am feeling more comfortable and my Spanish is truly improving. I keep thinking about how different this trip would be without her. And how different it would be if I wasn't living with her. I know most definitely my Spanish would not be improving as much as it is...and I would probably get lonely more often. What a blessing she has been, and I am so grateful for her.
I have been working on a video of my trip! Not to be bias...but its awesome! I almost cry every time I watch it. It is filled with videos, pictures, words, songs and interviews. It is something to keep me busy, and it will be perfect to show family and friends. It is my whole trip in a nutshell. Get excited...but you will have to wait until the end of my journey to see the final product!

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